Sunday, December 14, 2008

Salsa Dance At Shapeup Dance Studio Hyderabad

Shapeup Dance Studio Hyderabad teaches Cuban/Latin style salsa for both men and women. Salsa is normally a partner dance; this dance is also meant to be a social icebreaker during community gatherings.

1) Cuban/Latin style salsa 2) Latin jazz, 3) belly dancing, 4) ballroom, 5) Hip hop, 6) break-dancing/pop 7) rock.
Basic Movements: leg work/ arm work/ body movement/spins/ body isolations/ shoulder shimmies/rolls /hand styling

1 comment:

Keegan said...

Latin dancing is a wonderful dancing and it helps your health and fitness. Learning to communicate through Latin dance could raise intimacy in your relationship, break down resentment and get deepen your trust. I know of a certain website which promotes salsa dancing for men and women! Various videos of salsa dancing are available online! Tutorials of advanced, intermediate and beginner levels are available. learn how to salsa, how to salsa, how to salsa dance, learn salsa,learn to salsa dance,learn salsa dance,learn to dance salsa